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Project I.N.N.A.

Project I.N.N.A. (Integrated Neuro-Network Armament)

If ever I finish this one, This will be my first modded kit. That is...if I'll finish it XD..

First of, I know nothing about SB'ing nor modding (haven't even touched a pla-plate before)..I've read a few guides, tutorials and saw a LOT of WIP's already..but never really tried it myself.. And I'm about to about to found out how hard it is to mod, don't know when or where to start..but I'll try to figure it out, I do have some friends who (I hope) will help me learn how to do things up..anyway, the basic idea of what I want to do with my kit..It's some sort of a FA (Full Armor) version/variant, but this one will focus more on firepower, long range barrages, and stuffs like that..

That's it, this is the concept, the plan, the idea, the alpha, and the omega (where did I heard that? lol)..still working on some additional weapons, and will make this kit bulkier..

So, that's for this update :)


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