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Showing posts from April, 2011

WIP Strike Freedom FBM update-11

I did a lot of nubmark/seamline removal and some painting for this update :) The inner frame of the wing unit were already been painted, and so, I masked all the gold parts that are exposed and painted the outer part w/ flat black :D Test-fitted what I finished and this is how it looks like... Then I started working on the back portion of the left wing..back to seamline removal :)..and a lot of sanding too XD.. Masked everything <the gold parts that are exposed> up before painting :D.. And this is the result, after painting :) Test-fitting time!!! XD That's it for this update! till then~ :3

WIP Strike Freedom [Full Burst Mode] [10]

Painted the left arm and started working on the wing unit of the SF :) Painted the frame of the wing unit, and test-fitted it as soon as it dries up. Then, started sealing the wing unit using a Plastic Cement and some Putty :) The seamlines on this one are still visible, so I decided to put some putties on it again XD Pictures after sanding :D   That's it for this update~  *I do hope I finish working on the wing units w/in the week lol*

WIP Strike Freedom [Full Burst Mode] (Update!!!!)

I did a LOT of painting this day, and a bit of sanding too (nubmark/seamline removal). Anyway, here are the pictures of the SF..No pictures while painting/sanding, I'm too lazy to take pictures lol.. That's it! till next update! :D

Flat White! FINALLY! XD [WIP SF FBM pt8]

Bought 1can of Nikko Flat White earlier, after 8 long months of searching for a decent flat white paint here @ Olongapo..Tried it first on my 1/100 Astraea Type F, and it turned out to be just fine :D! YEY! XD Applied it on some of my SF's armor parts afterwards, and this is the result ;) I also tried masking, to add more details on this armor part for the knee :D That's it for this post/update! :D..

WIP Strike Freedom [Full Burst Mode] (Update!)

Just a lil update on my work in SLOW progress XD..started working on the DRAGOON Units :D..*run out of sandpapers xD* Hoping to finish all of the units w/in the week, then I'll start working on the wing unit while waiting for some cans of Bosny Flat White