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Showing posts from August, 2011

Brando Bell Unit Group Build Update! [Member's List!]

Minimum requirements met, at now..were on the planning stages of when and how long the GB will last.. :D Below is the current list of the members of the GB :D.. HGUC LOTO Derrick Bloodedge Kevin Samaniego Shaq Phantomhive Jeremy Macalino Kim Dominguez HGUC JESTA David Ceremonia Niko Barcelon Jigs Odin Nichols Sayson Tam Santos HGUC GM III Zen Filtzgriff Erick Tubiera Bok Cruz Romulo Terrado HGUC ReZEL [Normal/CMD Ver.] Setsuna F. Exia Stephen Tuazon Aaron Tancungco Billy Potz Ohhhh...I'm so excited! XD..


Been very, very, busy this past few days, and fortunately..I did find some spare time to something about my current WIP, which is the MG IJ..and so, here are the stuffs I did ;).. Did some nubmark fixing/sealing on the body armors, here are some of the photos taken :D.. And below is the progress of the frame, I'm already done painting it xD.. That's it, will be working on the armors of the arm probably by this weekend ;),,till then! :D

Brando Bell Unit Group Build

Brando Bell Unit, our aim is to hunt and destroy the famous Londo Bell Unit. Ok, enough..There will be 3[three] kits that will be used in this GB, and YOU[members/people who'll join] will only have to choose one..A HGUC GM III,  HGUC LOTO's, HGUC   JESTA's..minimum of 4[four] members per kit to open, so we'll be needing at least 12members to start this GB :))