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Monthly Gundam Power Rankings


1. Char Aznable
2. Amuro Ray
3. Kira Yamato
4. Kamille Bidan
5. Heero Yuy
6. Setsuna F. Seiei
7. Quattro Bajeena
8. Ramba Ral
9. Banagher Links
10. Anavel Gato
11. Kai Shiden
12. Loran Cehack
13. Athrun Zala
14. Kai Shiden
15. Domon Kasshu
16. Shinn Asuka
17. Lockon Stratos
18. Shiro Amada
19. Tieria Erde
20. Sleggar Law


1. Sayla Mass
2. Lacus Clyne
3. Aina Sahalin
4. Cima Garahau
5. Feldt Grace
6. Haman Karn
7. Relena Peacecraft
8. Four Murasame
9. Emma Sheen
10. Lunamaria Hawke
11. Marida Cruz
12. Lalah Sune
13. Elpeo Puru
14. Mineva Lao Zabi
15. Rain Mikamura
16. Dianna Soreil
17. Sochie Heim
18. Cagalli Yula Attha
19. Tiffa Adill
20. Christina Mackenzie


1. Zaku II
2. Strike Freedom
3. Zeta Gundam
4) Unicorn Gundam
5) Hyaku Shiki
6) Nu Gundam
7) 00 Qan[T]
8) Gundam
9) Sazabi
10) Dom
11) Gouf
12. Wing Zero
13) Qubeley
14) Sinanju
15) Gouf Custom
16) Guncannon
17) Turn A Gundam
18) Acguy
19) Char's Zaku
20) Gelgoog

source[s] / reference[s]: animesuki


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