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WIP Bearguy Update PT02 (2weeks update)

FINALLY! After sanding for a couple of hours, I DID IT! lol..

Ayt! To clear things up on what happen on this kit, I'll give you guys a breakdown..

If you remember, I applied 2layers of .5mm HIPS(High Impact Plastic Sheets/Polystyrene) on the whole rail system of the 'mono-eye' of the bearguy to somehow cover it up. Unfortunately, after RE-APPLYING for almost 12 times, the said rail system is still visible. SO! I seek guidance from MP (MechaPinoy) and of course, at MAC (Mech Arts Community). And so, they pointed out my mistake. That I should use a 'Epoxy Putty' to fill up a large gap instead of using a 'Basic Putty', since when a Basic Putty cures it shrinks thus making the rail system of the bearguy visible no matter how many times I tried to re-apply/re-putty it lol..

Then! since there are no hobby shops nearby my place, I did ask them if there is an alternative for it that I can get on a Hardware/DIY Shop! Lucky me! there is an alternative for a hobby grade Epoxy Putty, which is.....a Pioneer's Epoxy Putty (Aqua/Wood/Metal). Went to the nearest DIY shop here at my place, and grab one of the Aqua type :)..

And it is!..

First thing I did was remove the 'Basic Putty' in the head.

Then, sanded it down and applied the Pioneer's Epoxy Putty (Aqua Type)~

I know! I applied TOO MUCH putty lol..I let it cure for a day, and trimmed it down using my good old Hobby Knife, then sanded it down! LIKE A BOSS! XD


I also did some seamline removal on some of the Bearguy's parts :D..

Will prime these parts this morning! Till then! XD


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