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WIP: Operation: AMRe: Update #3 - Rifle

I really don't know what I'm doing LOL.. It's just like going with the flow haha XD. Anyway, here's what I did with the rifle so far, still needs a LOT of cleaning up and will still do a lot of adding more details and/or changing it. So yeah, this is not the final design yet ;)

Here are the photo's:

Removed the..errr...2nd handle(?) on the rifle.

Now, using my EPIC hobby knife.......

Sanded it down afterwards :D. I'm planning on extending it's length for around 2-4mm :D

Hey look! It's a extra combat knife from the ARF XD

Again, not yet the final design. Still subject to change depends on my liking's lol

Found the..err..weapon of my 1/144 HG 00 7s..then something popped on my head lol..

Again..Not yet the final design, will still change it :D..and that's it for this update~


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