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WIP: Operation AMRe: MG ARF Update #4

Hi guys! Finally! an update for this guy :). Been very busy on some school related stuffs like working on our Graduation Multimedia Presentation during our Graduation Rites, and I'm also in charge on our Digital Annual/Year Book of our batch, so Mr. Pink is super busy atm! Since our Team is on a break as we speak, I decided to work on my Astray. So, here's what I did this afternoon after eating lunch and the past few days :).

First of, I used the Kotobukiya Piston's I ordered last week from Sir Migs/M1gs to somehow add detail(s) on the waist part of my ARF.

I still plan on adding more details to it. That's it for now.

Then after attaching the upper body on the waist, I noticed that the left leg is a bit wiggling for some reason. Until I checked it out and I found a broken peg :O

Well, luckily I remembered that we had a 'how-to-fix-a-broken-peg' topic before on our Facebook Group. So I gathered up all the materials that I'll be needing on repairing the broken peg :).

A cement, a superglue, and a cotton. Yep, a piece of COTTON! :)

First, I cemented the broken peg/part.

Sanded it down after letting it cure.

Covered the whole peg with superglue and applied the COTTON!!! XD
That's how I did it, that's how Stephen PRO does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far XD. Credits goes to "Stephen/PAPA P" XD.

After fixing the broken peg, I started cleaning the left arm from nubs. As I'm planning on using the left arm as a testbed for the paint that I'll be using for the whole frame. 

Painted it afterwards :)

That's it for now! Will now try to work on the modifications on the legs if my schedule permits me to :). Till then~ 


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